Friday, April 30, 2010

In My Last Month

There are poets I remember
This past month, though some have changed
And I’ve seen each week get better
Few have given up, most all remain
All these poets had their moments
With quatrains and prose
I still can recall
Some were rushed and some painstaking
In this month I've read them all

But of all these poems and poets
there is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I read with care what’s sent from you
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For poets now dead, I’ve known before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In this month I loved yours more

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For poets now dead, I’ve known before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In this month I loved yours more
In this month I loved yours more

~ J.D. Mackenzie (sort of)

(Inspired by the poets of NaPoWriMo 2010 and the Beatles)


  1. Thankyou, on behalf of poets everywhere. How kind you are...

  2. JD--This is lovely! Thank you for this and all the wonderful & inspiring poetry you've written all month. Thanks also for being a consistent supportive visitor/commenter on my blog. I've appreciated your visits, especially when I've felt overwhelmed by the challenge and unsure about my work. I hope to continue to be in touch through poetry on other blogs ( Rall and maybe One Single Impression..?). Best--Robin

  3. Very sweet(; Have enjoyed reading your work this month and hope to visit in the future... -Sable

  4. How kind of you to say so - even if I do have to share with a few others! I certainly appreciate your friendly, fun and generous comments at my place.

  5. So nice!!! I've appreciated your work and comments so much! I hope we will see each other "around"!

  6. from Therese B -- You have changed, gotten better, never given up! Here's to you, who is part of the great community! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Stellar job, JD! I found myself wanting to sing your lovely parting poem. And it's special all the more because it was my class song from high school--it and this will be with me for a long time to come.

    Never mind my bias, very nicely done!


  8. JDM, what a beautiful poem written to each one of us strugging with our words and stamina to stay on. Thank you so much for all your comments and kind words of inspiration, thank you so much for all the wonderful poetry that you gave us. It is good bye time, but only till we meet in other sites. Looking forward to reading your poems there.

  9. good one JDM...thanks for this....hope to see you on the other side somewhere

  10. I am pleased that you enjoyed this challenge so much.I agree with you about the extraordinary talent of our poets...really inspiring.Your final poem is heartfelt and
    moving. It has been a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

  11. JDM,
    "In my life I've loved them all" Love what you did here and thanks for all your nice comments. Let's meet over at Rall's on Wednesday.

  12. JDM- What a beautiful sentiment. I feel the same way. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your generous comments. It means a lot to me. Really. A lot.

  13. Derrick was so charming. I really miss him a lot. It was such a blow when he left.
